t was such a beautiful sight, and I was immediately inspired. Have to paint this altar at a 15 th century church. As usual, I picked the complexity and details in their entirety. I'm glad I tired it.
I had to share in detail what inspired me when I was making a formal request to the pastor and got the permission! I was allowed to paint only in the evening. I got my gear together and was there - had to look to who would open the church for me and got going.. A little later, I realized I was alone in the church complex. It was a beautiful spiritual experience being the only one there. A rarity for me where I reside this opportunity has never been available.
I began to paint in the yellow light of the chandeliers.I had to wind up though without finishing as the light quality was poor, while it was a beautiful setting it was inadequate for painting.When I walked out of the church and saw the painting in fluorescent light, the colors looked dull and different. Phew!
I did some work on it in the studio.
11 x 15